Attachment Extractor Changelog
Reference page|
- bug fix: folder 'extract all' fails in TB2 [bug #131]
- bug fix: ~~~ was being apended to filenames in some cases [bug #138]
- bug fix: detach mode wasn't being respected for indivual attachment extract. [bug #153]
bug fix: had to rewrite to reflect changes between TB3beta2 and
TB3beta3. Made some other technical changes at the same time. [bug #125]
- bug fix: added to the list of charactors that are disallowed in a windows filename. [bug #126]
- bug fix: fixed problem with AutoExtract not working in 1.3.3. [bug #114] [bug #93]
- bug fix: extracts all inbox attachments rather than just selected. Bug also broken MRU menu on indivual extract. [bug #100]
- bug fix: detaching multiple emails failed. (Change in TB3) [bug #99]
- bug fix: individual extract MRU and browse broken
- improvement: added a feature to store the default save folder as relative to a Thunderbird folder rather than fixed. [bug #9]
- improvement: added extract to suggested folder on image and attachment context menus
- bug fix: suggest folder didn't always count all matches.
- bug fix: got lots of security warnings in error console (in tb3) - caused by reportgen.
- bug fix: error in save message to file code stopped it working [bug #92]
- bug fix: extracted from wrong folder if the folder wasn't selected. [bug #96]
- improvement: AE can now suggest a folder name to be extracted to from email subjects of the selected message(s).
- improvement: added an optional fix to make detached attachments show in-line just like they did before detaching.
- improvement: activating the context menu on an image (right-click menu) now has the option to indiviually extract that image.
improvement: minimum file size checking has been rewritten so now
incurs no performance penalty. (Warning text in settings dialog
- improvement: added the option to attempt extraction on all emails rather than just ones with attachments. [bug #81]
improvement: replaced current filename pattern auto-fixing with a
dialog detailing what the fix is; giving the user the option to fix it
- improvement: reorganied settings dialog into a
clearer layout with less on each pane and moved some settings to
seperate dialogs.
- improvement: switched to using a more reliable method of monitoring save progress with TB-method saving (TB3 only).
- improvement: added error details on error popup to make it easier to file bug reports.
- bugfix: handle aewindow closing early better.
- bugfix: fixed 'itemDeleted not implemented in interface'. [bug #75]
- bugfix: AE extracted the attachments, but did not detach them. (variable out of scope). [bug #71]
- bugfix: setting 'external application after extracting' didn't work. [bug #78]
- change: made compatible with TB3 Beta2.
- improvement:
stopped loading images in the background prior to saving them as this
can be very slow, especially in Thunderbird 3. My tests showed an up to
200% boost by blocking images. Can be reenabled if nessecary by setting
(hidden) preference attachmentextractor.dontloadimages to false.
- bug fix: cleartag with autoextract now correctly clearing tag. [bug #36]
- bug fix: Detaching failed on macOS (in 1.2.1 changelog, missing from release) [bug #59]
- bug fix: Multiple email sequence fail (collision) with auto-extract. (in 1.2.1 changelog, missing from release) [bug #52]
- improvement: Added a button to the new shortcut button hdr bar that Thunderbird3 has.
- improvement: AE should now be fully compatible with Thunderbird3 Beta1.
- improvement: Detached attachments will now save (undocumented change in 1.2).
- improvement: #count# validation will now insert the #count# before the last '.' if #extpart# is not in the filenamepattern.
improvement: Added additional charactors that #date# supports
('N','w','y','a','A','g','h','U') - see reference for full details.
- change: New mail checking should be more reliabile (undocumented change in 1.2).
- bug fix: Saving external attachments failed if the detached file doesn't exist. [bug #58]
- bug fix: Last selected folder is not updated after a new folder is selected. [bug #55]
- bug fix: Extract all and subfolders with a specified folder didn't work -did selected message to specified folder instead [bug #40] (undocumented change in 1.2)
- bug fix: Detaching failed on macOS [bug #59]
- bug fix: Extracting from an empty folder (even if subfolders contained mail) crashed AE. [bug #60]
bug fix: Changed way the example date is calculated in the preferences
window to fix a potential problem with non-English locales.
- bug fix: Multiple email sequence fail (collision) with auto-extract. [bug #52]
improvement: AttachmentExtractor can now extract RSS feed attachments
(enclosures). A third progress bar for file download has been added for
- improvement: added #folder# token to file name pattern.
improvement: moved all the entries in the 'tools' menu to more relevant
menus for better integration. Also moved context menu items to be
- improvement: rewrote the pattern settings tab to be
more user friendly and self explainitory. Some of the example can be
modified to see how the pattern would change. Moved the Date pattern to
be in a seperate dialog.
- improvement: added a 'add token' button to pattern settings dialog and patternextract dialog.
- improvement: AE can now send out read-reciepts when mark-read, including optional preference overriding for 'ask me' settings.
- improvement: added 'from' to html report generated [bug #2]
- change: reworded reportgen settings text to indicate that an absolute path can be used as well as a relative one.
- bug-fix: '"Save message txt to file" function does not work' fixed [bug #23]
- bug-fix: 'files with extension *.K$$ are saved as *.K$' fixed [bug #24]
- bug fix: 'huge security hole: javascript execution' fixed [bug #34]
- bug-fix: AE deletes the content of .doc files [bug #30]
technical-change: rewrote some code in an iterative rather than
recursive style and changed main classes to prototypes to try and speed
up/reduce memory usage. Other code changes/optimisation.
- bug fix: fixed broken Japanese locale [bug #13].
- bug fix: fixed context-menu not working [bug #6].
- bug fix: both AE and Thunderbrowse were using the same coding shorthand (Cc and Ci). [bug #15].
- improvement: there is now the ability to execute an external application after extraction with the attachments saved.
- improvement: each attachment can be executed individually with their registered application also.
- improvement: there is an option to extract the email text/html also,
with the same filename pattern options. Inline attachment code is
changed to point to the saved attachment
- improvement: whole folder extraction can now optionally include sub-folders via an additional menu item.
- improvement: you can now specify an absolute path for the report
name in ReportGen settings. The intention was always just to have a
'name' rather than a full path but given the frequent bug reports to me
caused by people setting this incorrectly it seems to be a required
feature. Settings gui will be changed in a later version to reflect
this addition.
- improvement: with individual message extraction there is now progress text in the status bar text as there's no progress dialog.
- improvement: finished off adding MRU to everywhere (toolbar button, individual attachment context menu, etc).
- improvement: any user set preferences are saved to debug log every time to aid discovering problems.
- change: moved the specialised 'with custom filename pattern' default
option into the custom filename pattern menu (when MRU is enabled) to
reduce menu clutter.
- change: queued requests are now enabled by default. Its safer.
- bug fix: a broken aereport.html (e.g. blank) caused errors.
- bug fix: AE no longer activates twice if you use the toolbar button and select one of the MRU task items.
- bug fix: it was possible to enter a broken filename pattern in the
custom dialog but not the settings dialog - put #count# fix in custom
dialog too.
- bug fix: handled error in internal detaching code which should fix
most of the error reports about messages being deleted when detaching.
It won't reduce detaching failures but at least the message shouldn't
disappear if it happens.
- bug fix: fixed an issue where detaching wouldn't work when the message wasn't deleted afterwards. Mainly seemed to affect IMAP.
- technical change: removed dependency on
in main overlays by relocating 'browse...' string to attachmentextractor.dtd
- technical change: made the MRU menus dynamically disable/enable on
every popup so I don't have to have a hard-coded list of elements to
- improvement: added the token
to the possible patterns and changed #from#
to only output the senders name rather than both.
- improvement: added some menu options in the Tools|Extract
Attachments menu to just delete attachments without doing any extracting
- improvement: there's now an option to not extract if minimum file size not met, with AE file saving anyway.
- improvement: AE now skips emails without attachments (with
auto-extract) - thanks to Lukas Durfina who suggested a quick way of
avoiding loading the whole window for attachment-less messages.
- improvement: added settings gui to enable/disable queued requests.
- improvement: reduce time spent on empty emails - very slight change.
- improvement: added MRU folder list to the toolbar button as well as reworking the code to generate on the fly.
- change: worked around 'attachment sizes' incompatibility by changing the way the event 'onpopupshown' is handled.
- change: changed settings gui & pref structure with attachment file saving so 'disable saving' is one of the check box items.
- bug fix: fixed auto extract not working when no active folder showing in main window.
- bug fix: fixed bug in Russian localisation (possibly non-Latin in general) when the MRU list was getting corrupted.
- bug fix: overcame a bug in Thunderbird where detached attachments with commas in the filenames weren't able to be opened.
- improvement: Added capability to use AttachmentExtractor on
individual attachments in the attachment area in preview pane and
message windows. Individual extracting doesn't delete or mark the
message read afterwards but otherwise follows the same settings.
- improvement: AttachmentExtractor should now work better with IMAP
accounts. There will probably still be some issues to iron out and its
still not as reliable as POP access.
- improvement: AE's toolbar button is automatically added the first
time you install AE if you've not already got it there. This will only
happen once and if you remove it then it won't come back.
- improvement: The progress dialog now has progress bars as well as
filenames and subjects. You can turn off the filenames and subject
display in the settings dialog if you wish.
- improvement: Extraction requests can now be queued, rather than
creating a new process. At the moment this isn't enable by default but
can be by setting the preference
to true
- improvement: Invalid filename patterns, where the
token is missing, are 'fixed' automatically in the settings dialog so the user can't accidentally break AE.
- improvement: In the MRU menu the folder paths are now trimmed from both sides making them more readable with long folder paths.
- change: the default saving method has been changed to the
experimental AE internal saving method as its more efficient and TB
saving has caused slowdown on some installs. Of course this can still be
changed back in the settings dialog.
- bug fix: fixed bug in clear MRU code which always cleared off the last MRU item either on restart or settings change.
- bug fix: not having a default TB download folder specified doesn't now cause problems.
- bug fix: AE will now fail silently if a RSS feed message or an
external attachment (a previously detached attachment) is attempted.
- improvement: Added settings gui to enable/disable MRU, which you can now do without restarting.
- improvement: You can now specify in the settings how many MRU folders you want to remember.
- improvement: MRU can be cleared with a clear button in the setting dialog.
- bug fix: Reorganised MRU code to minimize startup errors.
- improvement: Now works properly with search folders.
- improvement: AE's toolbar button and menus now enable and disable based on the current selection.
- improvement: The toolbar button has been enhanced with a drop-drown menu for different options to be selected.
- improvement: Added a settings option to set the attachment saved date to the email date if required.
- improvement/bug fix: Works better with newsgroups. Used to truncate files sometimes.
- improvement: Added a 5 most recently used folders in a submenu to
extract to again quickly. Enabled by default but There's no settings
gui for it but can be disabled with the preference
"attachmentextract.savepathmru". Requires a restart to disable/enable.
- improvement: The changelog loads off the website the first time AE is run or upgraded.
- improvement: Changed main overlay to use <command> tags rather
than 'oncommand' attribute so I can enable/disable more efficiently.
- bug fix: fixed bug with "'" occurring in the attachment filename.
- bug fix: fixed bug with last used folder not being retrieved with folder selector dialogs.
- bug fix: slightly changed default sizes used for pref window,
defined the em's rather than px's and let the user resize the window
(when opened via tools menu).
- bug fix: fix a memory leak - by wrapping an object before I passed it to c++ code.
- improvement: replaced Thunderbird's file saving code with my own
streaming code so I can control it and continue as soon as saving is
complete. This is much more efficient than checking every few
milliseconds if everything is done.
- improvement: enabled detach for auto-extract. Personally I thought
it was a dangerous option to have but its been asked for so it can now
be enabled, albeit with a strongly worded warning first.
- improvement: reports are now localised like the rest of the user interface.
- improvement: reorganised the settings dialog to make detach/deleting
options more intuitive. Previously it needed 3 options in 2 different
tabs to be checked to enable detaching.
- improvement: if desired, the actual saving part of AttachmentExtractor can be disabled.
- improvement: error logging to a file, (something enabled during
development but disabled for release), can now be turned on with a
- improvement: attachment files can now have their date set to the
date of the email (only with AE's internal saving code). There's no gui
in this version but you can set the preference
to true to enable.
- improvement: if there's an error in AttachmentExtractor then a message is now shown indicating that something has gone wrong.
- bug fix: rewrote main attachmentextractor class in an alternative coding style to fix a bug when sometimes getPref fails.
- bug fix: converting code for 0.8-0.9 include/exclude (user-defined) preferences was broken - it generated string in the form
rather than *.ext
. Fixed for future versions and also reconverted from 0.9 to fix.
- bug fix: freezes were reported by some users so removed the fix in
0.9 (using download manager) and replaced with code to check if the
attachment size is greater than 0 (i.e. has started extracting). Seems
to work fine. If internal saving is enabled then this is skipped
- bug fix: compact folders being turned on broke AE if it happened to
trigger during extraction so now the preference is disabled during
- contribution: Matteo F Zazzetta contributed a large amount (100+
lines) of code to handle generated filenames that are longer than 255
characters in windows, while maintaining the
strings properly.
- improvement: AttachmentExtractor can now auto-extract on email
receipt, either individually or after all the messages have been
downloaded. AttachmentExtractor can optionally only auto-extract when
the email is tagged with a matching specified tag, and optionally clear
that tag once the attachments have been saved.
- improvement: auto-extract has its own range of after-extract actions
and a file replacement strategy, along with a optional separate
download location.
- improvement: integrated a companion extension I wrote previously,
ae_reportgen, directly into attachmentextractor. This extension
generated a (x)html report every time attachment extractor was run.
Either a new report is generated or the new extraction information is
added to the previous report.
- improvement: report generation can be styled with a standard css
style sheet that can be specified. Any existing report is updated with
the current style sheet settings.
- improvement: regular expressions can now be specified directly for
the include/exclude filename settings. Any pattern starting with "/" is
treated as a reg-ex. They must be well formed or things will break so if you are clever enough to use them then use them with care!
- improvement: reworked cleanSubjectLine after Matteo F Zazzetta suggested an improved version.
- change: removed downloads.rdf delete on startup code as no longer necessary in tb2.0.
- change: changed separator character in include/exclude patterns to ";" from "," as "," is a control character in reg-ex's.
- change: changed internal detaching code to reflect changes in nsMessenger, which its based upon.
- optimisation: optimised some of the images. shaved off 5k.
- bug fix: slightly reworking because changes in nsMessenger in
between tb2 beta2 and tb2 rc1 versions broke AttachmentExtractor
completely. Thanks guys!
- bug fix: the author & subject strings are now filtered to stop #
codes and folder separator characters from accidentally getting
through. Double quotes in author are stored as \" thus they used to
break the filename saving code.
- bug fix: attachments were sometimes cut short on large files so now
the download manager is checked to only continue when all saving files
have finished.
- contribution: Matteo F Zazzetta contributed a bug fix for a mistake in AttachmentFileMaker constructor.
- contribution: Matteo F Zazzetta contributed modified code in
aewindow.js, adding try catch statements around some methods to help ae
recover from single errors.
- improvement: replaced Thunderbird attachment detaching code with my
own internal version written in Javascript. The 400-500 lines of C++
were rewritten by hand into JavaScript so it should work exactly the same way as Thunderbird's own, but without any pesky confirmation boxes.
- improvement: if the internal detaching is used then attachments can
be 'detached' (deleted but a link left to the detached file) rather than
just 'deleted'.
- improvement: upgraded the exclude/include settings that previously
just checked file extensions to now test for whole filename string. Use
the fairly straightforward windows
- improvement: rewrote quite a lot of the filename generating code.
Technical explanation: rewrote the code in an iterative rather than
recursive style. As much as I liked the mathematically correct concise
recursive functions, this is the real world and some people have
reported errors where Thunderbird is complaining about too much
- improvement: added a 'clean' subject example in settings dialog.
- bug-fix: fixed a potential (but unreported) but when extract to default is used without setting the default folder first.
- change: reduced default next message and next attachment delay times
because there is more control over the processes now so I don't need so
much tolerance. Speeded it up basically.
- change: reorganised the settings dialog into 3 different panes
rather than 2. This is to move the (now) more advanced filename
filtering options into advanced and to give filename patterns its own
- contribution: ejo rewrote the settings dialog xul. This hasn't been
used 'as is' due to a bug with tabbed panes but I have adopted parts of
his contribution.
- bug-fix: some of localisation xul was missing in the settings dialog which would mean errors would have been thrown.
- bug-fix: sometimes large attachments weren't fully extracted or weren't extracted at all.
- improvement: the subject line of the current email and the current
attachment are displayed in the progress dialog box now along with the
count. Reorganised the progress dialog layout along the way now there
is more to show.
- improvement: you can now optionally remove 'fw: '; 're: ' and 'fwd: '
from in front of subject lines when using them in the filename. If the
subject is enclosed in '[' and ']' then they are removed too. The
strings that would be removed are stored in a comma- separated list in
the (hidden) preference
- bug-fix: setting a default folder with non-english characters (e.g.
���) in it sometimes ended up with the path being incorrect and another
folder being created instead. Now there should be no problems.
- bug-fix: AttachmentExtractor doesn't stop processing when it comes to an email without attachments anymore
- bug-fix: corrected a bug where if "don't replace" had been chosen as
the filename generating strategy then if any file existed then an error
would have occurred.
- improvement: Carried out a complete rewrite and rationalisation of
how AttachmentExtractor works with Thunderbird. More Technical
explanation: I now instantiate and use a separate copy of messenger and
dbView and many other objects rather than borrowing the ones in the main
3-pane Thunderbird window.
- improvement: Messages are loaded and processed without the use of
the main Thunderbird window. So you can continue to use Thunderbird if
you wish and reading other emails won't 'break' AttachmentExtractor as
it often previously did.
- improvement: Mark-Read and Delete message after extraction now
works individually per email as opposed to on the selection at the end.
- improvement: Added settings GUI code to set the
format and a link to the reference for the codes on this website.
- improvement: Remaining
codes for time now implemented.
- improvement: Implemented
to put emails author as an optional item in the filename pattern.
- improvement: Subfolders can now be created as part of the filename
pattern generation. Just use your OS's folder separator character in
the filename pattern. If any folder doesn't exist then it is created
automatically during the extraction.
- bug fix: many many bug fixes too numerous to mention and for me to remember :-)
- improvement: added direct link to settings page in Tools|Extract Attachments.
- improvement: added web link to this website in advanced settings tab.
- improvement: detached attachments are skipped from both
extraction (as they are unnecessary) and later detaching (sometimes
caused an error).
- improvement: wrote a date format parsing function and added preference to set #date# format. Preference
can be changed to any combination. Details of format.
- improvement: detaching has been generally improved a great deal.
- bug-fix: pattern extraction to a specified folder now works for specified messages and not all as it erroneously did.
- bug-fix: settings page script didn't work properly.
- bug-fix: "notify when finished extracting" dialog didn't properly save the preference; now it does.
- bug-fix: filenames with % in them now correctly extract as the actual name with no missing characters.
- bug-fix: detaching no longer occasionally causes some emails to have twice/thrice the number of attachments.
- policy-change: no more download count pop-up on first use. Too
many people complained, (unjustifiably in my opinion), that it was
intrusive. So no more popup.
- improvement: added GUI to set and explain
preference which updates dynamically so you can see what effect your changes will have
- improvement: rewrote preferences dialog to use standard Thunderbird Aviary prefwindow code.
- bug-fix: fixed detaching! (Sort of - it works but its still buggy and i can't override the dialog box :-()
- bug-fix: fixed a long standing bug with trying to reload a message that's already been extracted. works now
- bug-fix: corrected minor bug in token substitution code (#subject#, etc)
- bug-fix: fixed bug with wrong selected tab in preferences dialog by putting each pane in a separate xul file.
- policy-change: added a 'you are person number xxx to install version x.x of AE' dialog box on first time use
- more minor bug fixes i've forgotten about already
- Why 0.6.5 and not 0.6.1? If Firefox can do can skip 1.1 and go to 1.5 then so can I :-)
- Not going to fix detaching for now as will require major rewrite.
- improvement: Toolbar button. Left click to extract selected to default, right click to a folder you select.
- improvement: Instead of using Thunderbird's default download folder, you can now set a special AE default folder
- improvement: Animated progress dialog image :-)
- improvement: You can now add the email subject ("#subject#") and
email date ("#date#") into the filename pattern. Proper setting gui in
next version, honest.
- improvement: Attachment Extractor now always generates filenames using the filename pattern.
- improvement: Added ability to specify filename pattern preference every time extraction is carried out via a new menu item.
- localisation: Chinese Traditional locale contributed.
- improvement: Gave the user the option of deleting the downloads.rdf file every time at startup to speed things up.
- improvement: Added a progress window during extraction to show which message and attachment you are on.
- improvement: Include/exclude file extension option (previously
implemented but no gui). AE can either be set to extract all
attachments except certain file extensions or to only include certain extensions.
- improvement: Extension description is now localised too.
- bug-fix: Some access keys were mixed around in the settings dialog.
- policy change: Removed all the old incomplete localisations. They've been sitting around for long enough unfinished.
- Had to disable detaching option because of major bug i haven't yet fixed. Should be fixed in later version.
- improvement: Download window is hidden during extraction to speed up it up.
- improvement: Updated files to indicate compatibility with Thunderbird 1.5
- improvement: Option of after extracting attachment, mark message as read AND delete.
- improvement: Include/exclude file extension option. (No gui yet so
play around with it if you want but i'm not going to tell you how :-P )
- improvement: re-implemented delete option in an improved way.
- improvement: implemented 'detach' option (needs tb1.5)
- bug-fix: With one message selected attachments aren't extracted twice anymore.
- bug-fix: Stopped marking messages as read when not intending too - long standing bug.
- bug-fix: various other minor bug fixes.
- policy-change: reduced the wait times for next message and next attachment to less conservative defaults.
- various minor bug-fixes
- contribution: added Spanish (es-ES) locale to AttachmentExtractor, courtesy of Carlos
- contribution: added Dutch (nl-NL) locale to AttachmentExtractor, courtesy
of Arthur Buijs
- contribution: added Norwegian (nb-NO) locale to AttachmentExtractor, courtesy
of Marta Petryk
- contribution: added Polish (pl-PL) locale to AttachmentExtractor, courtesy
of Aniekla
- contribution: added Turkish (tr-TR) locale to AttachmentExtractor, courtesy
of Serkan Arikusu
- bug-fix: fix crash on large number of attachments in a single email.
- improvement: Added delays in between extracting each attachments, which can
be user-defined by (manually) setting preference "attachmentextractor.nextattachmentdelay".
The default is 500 milliseconds (half a second). There is also a less important
preference "attachmentextractor.nextmessagedelay" which affects the delay
between starting on a new message after finishing the old one. This figure
is a maximum wait before trying again.
- bug-fix: folder problem on unix filenames
- contribution: added Latin-American Spanish (es-AR) locale to AttachmentExtractor, courtesy of Fabio Maulo.
- bug-fix: Didn't delete when files not selected, i.e. when 'extract all' used.
- bug-fix: Sometimes deleted too soon (before the extraction has happened).
Put in a short delay which seems to have worked. fixed.
- improvement: Now notifies the user when more than one email is
selected for extraction with a dialog box. There is a preference to
disable this notification if not wanted.
- improvement: Implemented a dialog which asks the user what they want
to happen when an existing file is found with the same name, options
are the same as before: ignore; overwrite; and rename.
There's a checkbox to change the option so you aren't asked again. This is
now the default.
- improvement: Implemented a 'mark read' option when finished
extracting the attachments, as an alternative to deleting the emails.
- contribution: added Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) and German (de-DE)
locales to AttachmentExtractor, courtesy of Tadeu Jos� Lopes da Silveira
and Steffen Schubert, respectively.
- Changed the encoding of all files to UTF-8, Unix. There seemed to be a few problems in some of the locales.
- Fixed the bug in the default extract function.
- Add the ability to delete messages automatically after attachment extraction.
There's a preference for it in the options dialog.
- Added Italian locale support to package, thanks to
- The pattern used to generate new filenames for duplicates can now be set with a preference
The default is #namepart#.%#extpart# - #namepart# and #extpart# being the 2 parts of the file .ext and %
is an incremental number.
Its fairly obvious if you think about it. Just play around with it. E.g. #namepart# (%)#extpart#
- Xavier Robin fixed a minor bug with missing access keys with the French translation.
- Added preference: "attachmentextract.inlinepolicy", with the default value of "false", i.e. what happens in previous versions.
- Added the ability to extract images embedded in the html. This is now an option you can turn on in the preferences dialog
- Added preference: "attachmentextract.overwritepolicy", with the
default value of "1" which is "replace", i.e. what happens in previous
- There are now 3 choices as to what to do with an existing file with
the same name: replace; ignore (i.e. don't replace); and rename.
- Rename function will check for an existing file and add ".1" to the
filename before the file extension. If xxx.1 already exists xxx.2 is
tried, and so on.
- Ignore just aborts the extraction if it finds an existing file with the same name.
- Tried a third time to fix 'single message' bug. Pretty
certain i've got it sorted this time with the use of some choice
'ReloadMessage()' calls ;)
- Localised my extension. Well, i re-wrote the xul files to add localisation support, and some good people translated it.
- Added an options dialog, assessable through the normal extensions option button.
Thanks go to whoever wrote the Offline extension because that's where i borrowed the code skeleton from!
- This extension is now licensed under the Mozilla MPL/LGPL/GPL tri-license. I.e. Attachment Extractor is Open Source.
- Tried a second time to fix the bug when only selecting one message
(i.e. nothing happens -see 0.2 changelog entry). Hopefully i got it
right this time!
- I now update the 'last used folder' ( preference
when you select a folder to extract to, just like it would if you
did it manually.
- Tiny bug fix: homepage entry on extension list had spelling mistake in it.
- Fixed a bug when only a single message selected. It would often refuse to reload the message and therefore the extracting code
wouldn't kick in, only to do so when the user manually selected another message.
- Added the ability to extract the attachments from all the messages
in a single (selected) folder. The entry for this is on the context
menu for the folder.
- Added an entry on the message list (Thread-Pane) context menu to extract the attachments from the selected messages.
- Moved all the entries for this extension into its own submenu for tidiness.
- Revised the versioning compatibility. I downloaded all the previous releases
of Thunderbird and the extension seemed to work for version 0.6 onwards so
i've changed the install.rdf and the update rdf to reflect that.
- Changed the extension icon from one i borrowed from the 'hello world' example extension i followed initially to one
i've done myself.
- The main purpose of this point-release was to test the update code and the back-end server settings on this website to make sure
it would all go smoothly for a proper upgrade.
- The first release of the extension. Praise be!